You are viewing documentation for Kubeflow 1.5

This is a static snapshot from the time of the Kubeflow 1.5 release.
For up-to-date information, see the latest version.


A list of available Kubeflow distributions

Kubeflow on AWS

Running Kubeflow on Amazon EKS and Amazon Web Services

Kubeflow on Azure

Running Kubeflow on Kubernetes Engine and Microsoft Azure

Kubeflow on Google Cloud

Running Kubeflow on Kubernetes Engine and Google Cloud Platform

Kubeflow on IBM Cloud

Running Kubeflow on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS)

Kubeflow on Nutanix Karbon

Running Kubeflow on Nutanix Karbon

Arrikto Enterprise Kubeflow

Kubeflow distribution with additional automation, reproducibility, portability, and security features

Arrikto MiniKF

Running Kubeflow with MiniKF

Charmed Kubeflow

A free, enterprise-ready Kubeflow distribution from Canonical – with 24/7 support option, expert professional services on-hand, and managed service option also available

Kubeflow Operator

Deploying and managing Kubeflow with Kubeflow Operator

Kubeflow on OpenShift

Running Kubeflow 1.3 on OpenShift 4.x


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Last modified April 23, 2021: Add ekf distro (#2641) (347b56b)