You are viewing documentation for Kubeflow 1.5

This is a static snapshot from the time of the Kubeflow 1.5 release.
For up-to-date information, see the latest version.

Delete Kubeflow

Deleting Kubeflow from Google Cloud using the command line interface (CLI)

This page explains how to delete your Kubeflow cluster or management cluster on Google Cloud.

Before you start

This guide assumes the following settings:

  • For Management cluster: The ${MGMT_PROJECT}, ${MGMT_DIR} and ${MGMT_NAME} environment variables are the same as in Deploy Management cluster.

  • For Kubeflow cluster: The ${KF_PROJECT}, ${KF_NAME} and ${MGMTCTXT} environment variables are the same as in Deploy Kubeflow cluster.

  • The ${KF_DIR} environment variable contains the path to your Kubeflow application directory, which holds your Kubeflow configuration files. For example, /opt/gcp-blueprints/kubeflow/.

Deleting your Kubeflow cluster

  1. To delete the applications running in the Kubeflow namespace, remove that namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace kubeflow
  2. To delete the cluster and all Google Cloud resources, run the following commands:

    cd "${KF_DIR}"
    make delete

    Warning: this will delete the persistent disks storing metadata. If you want to preserve the disks, don’t run this command; instead selectively delete only those resources you want to delete.

Clean up your management cluster

The following instructions introduce how to clean up all resources created when installing management cluster in management project, and when using management cluster to manage Google Cloud resources in managed Kubeflow projects.

Delete or keep managed Google Cloud resources

There are Google Cloud resources managed by Config Connector in the management cluster after you deploy Kubeflow clusters with this management cluster.

To delete all the managed Google Cloud resources, delete the managed project namespace:

kubectl config use-context "${MGMTCTXT}"
kubectl delete namespace --wait "${KF_PROJECT}"

To keep all the managed Google Cloud resources, you can delete the management cluster directly.

If you need fine-grained control, refer to Config Connector: Keeping resources after deletion for more details.

After deleting Config Connector resources for a managed project, you can revoke IAM permission that let the management cluster manage the project:

gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding "${KF_PROJECT}" \
    "--member=serviceAccount:${MGMT_NAME}-cnrm-system@${MGMT_PROJECT}" \

Delete management cluster

To delete the Google service account and the management cluster:

cd "${MGMT_DIR}"
make delete-cluster

Starting from Kubeflow v1.5, Google Cloud distribution has switched to Config Controller for Google-managed Management cluster. You can learn more detail by reading Delete your Config Controller.

Note, after deleting the management cluster, all the managed Google Cloud resources will be kept. You will be responsible for managing them by yourself. If you want to delete the managed Google Cloud resources, make sure to delete resources in the ${KF_PROJECT} namespace in the management cluster first. You can learn more about the ${KF_PROJECT} namespace in gcp-blueprints/kubeflow/kcc folder.

You can create a management cluster to manage them again if you apply the same Config Connector resources. Refer to Managing and deleting resources - Acquiring an existing resource.


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